About Us

We created Blue Lion Spellworks as a way of supplying you what you need to perform magical workings and also to live a healthy and creative life. We also get to pour our knowledge, creativity and love into Blue Lion and the world through our expression here. 

Willow: As a practicing Pagan and magical intuitive with some anxiety issues, I am here to help you grow in your practice! I started my own business empower myself and to help overcome my own mental health issues. I have found so much growth in this and want to pass it on while helping as many other practitioners as I can.

White Raven: As a natural product formulator and plant medicine intuitive I love to take my practices to new depths in creativity and complexity of knowledge. I have been creating organic plant based wellness products for over 10 years and have greatly expanded my skills to envelope healing and health improvement outside of my direct field. I love being able to incorporate what I do into another way of helping others to live better and grow.