Our make your own cleansing ritual kit includes everything you need to make your own powerful cleansing jar. Used to purify the energy for yourself, home, car, office space, or loved ones and pets. All ingredients included are carefully chosen and charged with a specific purpose. When combined, this cleansing jar is a purifying powerhouse. At times, we all hold onto negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, trauma, spirit attachments, and energies. This working is perfect to ensure you rid yourself of any heavy, low vibrational, negative energies that may be holding you back from your highest good. We have included enough ingredients to make more Cleansing jars, or have a little extra to add to your witchy stash. When it comes to magical workings, it is so important to add your own, unique energy into your workings. We make it easy for you, so you don't have to spend your time researching the information, and use your vital energy coming up with the ingredients to make a strong, effective cleansing working. With this kit you have a cleansing and purifying magical working available to you that is ready to go, well thought out, and powerful! All ingredients included are ethically sourced, cleansed, and charged with intention under the full moon, making it ready to be casted upon arrival! Happy casting Witches!
-White Candle
-Cedar: Sacred Cedar is very effective for cleansing and purification. When used in workings for cleansing, it adds the ultimate clean slate. It purifies your space and self to allow spiritual, mental, and emotional healing. Cedar is very helpful in healing workings and protects your energetic aura, allowing for spiritual transformation. Placing Cedar in a satchet and putting it under your bed can help with deep spiritual healing during your REM sleep cycle.
-Patchouli: Patchouli in your cleansing and purification workings, will call forth your highest self and will help clear mental blocks. When added to your cleansing rituals, it clears negative energies that may be preventing you from being the best version of yourself. It ensures that your highest self is called forth. Patchouli is a very powerful herb of attraction, so it can be used in money workings to draw abundance and prosperity your way. Patchouli is also said to alleviate feelings of anger. Burning it will help you relax and let go of frustrations and negative emotions. It can be used in love and fertility workings as well.
-Cinnamon: Cinnamon in your cleansing workings will help purify your energy, this allows you to be open to blessings, abundance, and prosperity. Cinnamon also acts as an amplifier so it's a perfect addition to your cleansing rituals, boosting your workings. For example, when placed in a psychic abilities jar, it will help boost psychic awareness. It is said to also raise spiritual vibrations. Blow Cinnamon while standing in your front doorway, or door used the most, to add extra abundance and prosperity to your life.
-Lavender: Lavender is used to cleanse your energetic body from heavy feelings and emotions that may be holding you back from your highest good. Burn Lavender to relieve stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. It increases feelings of overall joy, promotes relaxation, and increases positive vibrations and energies. Incorporating Lavender into your cleansing workings will help you heal, improve mood, increase feelings of overall well being, and protect you from negative energies. Add to your bath or shower to wash away stress, negativity, and thoughts that may no longer be serving you.
-Lemongrass: Lemongrass can be used in your cleansing workings as a road opener to remove obstacles that may be holding you back from your highest good. It opens up your energetic field and purifies your aura so you can reach your full potential. Lemongrass can help boost your psychic abilities and strengthen mental clarity. Carrying a sachet with Lemongrass in your pocket, will help you to be more aware of, and open to messages sent from spirit and the divine.
-Frankincense resin: Frankincense resin in your cleansing rituals helps remove and banish negative energy. When added to your cleansing jar it serves as the ultimate purifier. Burn Frankincense resin to cleanse and purify your ritual space and consecrate sacred items. Combine Frankincense resin and Myrrh for a purifying and protection powerhouse!
-Palo Santo: Palo Santo in your cleansing rituals will purify your spiritual body from harmful energies, knowingly or unknowingly sent your way. Burn to raise the vibration of your space, relieve stress and anxiety, and banish any unwanted, negative energies that may be holding you back from your highest good. It has very strong energy raising properties for your mind, body, and spirit. Placing a piece of Palo Santo near your front door, in your car, or around your home, will attract higher vibrational, positive energies into your life.